Booking terms:

  1. All journeys are calculated a) by the fastest mapped distance using google maps b) non-peak times
  2. All journeys are undertaken by the most appropriate route, using mapping devices e.g. Waze, unless otherwise instructed by the client, any additional mileage/time will be charged for peak time driving conditions & any delays which are out of our control such as hold ups on motorways e.g. accidents
  3. Clients will be charged for the journey booked, any subsequent route or passengers changes on the day, pick ups and drop offs may incur extra charges. These are undertaken at the discretion of the driver due to that day's schedule.
  4. Vehicles will carry up to the stated amount of passengers for which it has been designated and will not carry more passengers that the vehicle is legally permitted to do so.
  5. Every effort will be made by CCE Cars to ensure that our vehicle(s) or supporting drivers vehicle(s) arrive on time.
  6. Whilst we do our utmost to ensure punctuality, you will understand that we cannot accept responsibility for delays caused by circumstances out of our control.
  7. The driver will drive at safe and sensible speeds in accordance with road conditions, traffic and the legal speed limits.
  8. CCE Cars drivers and supporting drivers have the right to refuse to carry any passenger(s) who are thought to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and whose behaviour poses a threat either to the driver, the vehicle or any other passenger(s).
  9. All vehicles are strictly non-smoking.
  10. No food hot or cold is permitted to be consumed in the vehicle(s), should the passenger(s) request to do so it is at the discretion of the driver to permit said consumption.
  11. We reserve the right to provide alternative vehicle(s) to carry out the hire in case of vehicle breakdown/repair or other unforeseen problems arising such as (but not limited to) delayed flight returns or severe traffic delays.
  12. All CCE Cars vehicles and supporting operators/driver's vehicles are fully insured for passenger and third party claims. However, all passengers properties are carried entirely at their own risk and CCE Cars shall not be held responsible/liable for any such loss/damage to such property.
  13. CCE Cars will keep a lost property book at their office and will endeavour to return any lost goods/property found in their or supporting drivers vehicle(s) to the passenger(s).
  14. Car seats for children travelling in the UK: The driver MUST be satisfied these conditions are met, if not, it is at their discretion whether to undertake the journey.